Announced by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA):
ECHA launches a new generation of its Chemical Safety
Assessment and Reporting Tool to further harmonise and improve
information on the safe use of chemicals.
Helsinki, 20 June 2012
– Version 2.0 of Chesar is now available and can be downloaded from the
revised Chesar website. ECHA has invested in the redesign of the IT
technology of Chesar in order to enhance its stability and make it a
better platform for further developments as part of the long term
strategy for Chesar. Other improvements include: a redesigned user
interface, more transparency in determining the scope of the required
exposure assessment, a simplified risk characterisation and an updated
version of the Targeted Risk Assessment (TRA) developed by ECETOC. The
possibilities to import and export complete chemical safety assessments
(CSAs) or CSA building blocks have also been extended.
With Chesar industry organisations can make available generic exposure
assessments for the conditions of use in their sector. Single
registrants may then import and use this information as a starting point
for their own substance specific assessment. Using Chesar will
contribute to efficiency and harmonisation in carrying out CSAs. Thus,
ECHA strongly recommends (potential) registrants to systematically use
Chesar for making chemical safety reports and exposure scenarios.
Today's release of Chesar 2.0 includes the functionalities for carrying
out CSAs based on a IUCLID 5.4 dataset and to generate chapters 9 and
10 of the chemical safety report (CSR), with one exception: exposure
estimations for consumer uses is not yet included in the current
release, but will be included in version 2.1.
The full press release and more information are available here.
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