In July 2011, ECHA conducted a survey with companies who had successfully submitted a registration under REACH. The survey aimed to learn about the companies' experiences in preparing and submitting registrations and to identify areas in which the Agency could improve its services. Almost 900 companies responded to the survey; over 21% of the companies that registered their substances under REACH. The majority of responses came from large companies based in Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France and Spain. The share of SMEs (46%) having responded to the survey was significantly higher than their proportion among registrants.
The survey revealed interesting findings. For instance, 40% of companies prepared their dossiers with the support of consultants. According to the companies, the most important reasons for outsourcing the work were a limited capacity within the company or the desire to minimise the administrative burden within the company. With regard to the registration costs, the respondents indicated that the largest expenses were related to the registration fees, the collection of necessary information and consultancy services. The answers about the importance of various aspects in preparing for 2013 deadline showed that it is essential to have a sufficient knowledge of English as the language in which nearly all SIEFs are conducted, to nominate the Lead Registrant early, and to train staff on REACH / registration procedures.
ECHA was pleased to see that the companies appreciated the material provided by the Agency – 92% of respondents used it. 17% of registrants who submitted dossiers containing a Chemical Safety Report with an Exposure Scenario made use of the Chesar tool provided by ECHA.
Based on the feedback, ECHA is planning support for 2013 registrants: the Agency will continue developing and promoting the Chesar tool for Chemical Safety Assessments and Reports, it will work further to provide updated supporting material and will aim to further improve its communication channels.
The report is available for download as a PDF here.
Hey Dake, check out the new report on chemical use in consumer products, including BPA in toys and NPEs in paints. These data, never before made public, were reported by 25 manufacturers under a state chemical safety law passed in Maine. It reveals how state chemical policies are filling in gaps on chemical data and regulation in the absence of expanded federal authority through TSCA reform.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mike. I will take a look at it.