Registration numbers have been granted for 20 175 of the 20 723 dossiers that were submitted by the first registration deadline, resulting in a total of 3 483 phase-in substances being registered under REACH. Dissemination of information from these dossiers has been accelerated.The completeness check is only to "check that all required elements have been provided," i.e., that some data are there. Much of this check is done automatically and registrants can pre-check their dossiers using a Technical Completeness Check (TCC) tool made available to all via the ECHA web site. ECHA then repeats the TCC upon receipt and also may check other business rules. This completeness check is different from a compliance check, which involves ECHA staff actually reviewing the substance of the data submitted.
Information about the chemicals registered and access to dossiers once they have been disseminated can be found here.
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