Wednesday, March 2, 2011

EPA Delays Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Program to "Ensure the Requirements are Practical"

The deadline for reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is March 31, 2011.  Or not.  Yesterday the EPA announced that it was "extending this year’s reporting deadline" so that it could provide a reporting tool to affected industries.  EPA noted that after "conversations with industry and others, and in the interest of providing high quality data to the public this year," the deadline would be delayed.  The agency will finalize what it calls a "user friendly online electronic reporting platform," which they hope to have available this summer so that the data can be received and published later this year.

The GHG Reporting Program is being designed to address mandates from Congress, even as the new Congress is working to limit EPA's ability to follow through on those mandates.  Despite the likelihood of budget cuts EPA is continuing to develop GHG data reporting requirements "for a wide range of different industries."  According to EPA:
This program will provide Congress, stakeholder groups and the public with information about these emissions while helping businesses identify cost effective ways to reduce emissions in the future.
EPA says they need the extension "to further test the system that facilities will use to submit data and give industry the opportunity to test the tool, provide feedback, and have sufficient time to become familiar with the tool prior to reporting."

More information on the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting Program can be read here.

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