The information in the database was provided by companies in their registration dossiers. You can find a variety of information on the substances which companies manufacture or import: their hazardous properties, their classification and labelling and how to use the substances safely, for example.In total (as of earlier this week), there had been 19,182 REACH registrations and over 1.4 million classification and labeling notifications. Classification and labeling for substances must now be done in Europe in accordance with the new Classification, Labeling and Packaging Regulation (CLP), which implements the globally harmonized system (GHS) of classification and labeling the EU (needless to say "globally harmonized is more than a little bit of a misnomer given it is hardly harmonized globally).
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Friday, December 10, 2010
ECHA Lets You Search REACH-Registered Substances - Is Your Chemical Legal?
November 30th has passed and (hopefully) all of the chemical substances pre-registered at manufacture or import above 1000 tonnes per year have now been registered (if not, realize that you cannot be manufacturing or importing them in Europe). Now ECHA has made available a searchable database of information on registered substances. According to ECHA,
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