Have you notified your substance under the EU's Classification, Labeling and Packaging regulation (CLP)? ECHA has issued a "last call" to companies who need to notify by the January 3, 2011 deadline. All manufacturers and importers of substances that "are hazardous" according to the CLP regulation must notify the correct classification and labeling (C&L). They also need to prepare updated safety data sheets (SDS) to reflect the new classification and labeling requirements.
For those companies who registered their chemicals under the first REACH registration deadline of November 3, 2010, they have already complied with the CLP and do not have to notify separately (assuming, of course, that they properly reported C&L in their REACH dossiers and have passed all the completeness, business rules, and financial checks).
The January 3, 2011 deadline is especially important for companies who manufacture or import dangerous chemicals at tonnages that do not require registration until 2013 or 2018. That is because the C&L notification must be completed now, even though their registrations won't be due for up to several years.
For anyone still needing to notify, the REACH-IT system will remain open only between the hours of 10 am and 7 pm GMT (check your local time zone equivalent) from December 27 through 30, 2010. It then will reopen for the last 24 hours on the last submission day (Monday, January 3, 2011).
More explanations of the classification and labeling notification requirements, along with access to various notification tools, can be found on the ECHA web site.
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